Additional compound based on ground "old" bricks and tiles, to be added to mixtures of hydraulic lime and aggregates, for producing mortars, plasters and subbase screeds, similar to the compounds of tradition "cocciopesto" (lime mortar with crushed pottery), in ecological building interventions and in the restoration of vintage buildings and monuments.
The reactive capacity, which is beneficial, of the Latersana cocciopesto (lime mortar with crushed pottery) vis-à-vis the components of anhydrous mixtures based on natural hydraulic lime, botticino, and cocciopesto (lime mortar with crushed pottery), is facilitated by the fact that the composition of Latersana mainly consists of antique brick and tile granulates, produced with cooking oven temperatures that did not exceed 1000°C. Thus, the granulate quality was not affected by transforming into a clinkerised, inert product.
The addition of Latersana in mixtures of lime and aggregates, promotes the improvement of the watertightness of the system, increases the resistance to compression, improves the workability of the final compound.
Production of mortars, screeds and plaster based on natural hydraulic lime, carbonated and cocciopesto aggregates.
Add Latersana with the correct mixture of binders and aggregates, in the quantity required for the specific use (between 5% and 20% by weight of the weight of the remaining anhydrous components: hydraulic lime, aggregates, earth colours). Add the required water, mixing thoroughly, until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture is obtained.
Variable according to the different design requirements (approximately between 5 and 20% of Latersana on the weight of the anhydrous components of the mixture: hydraulic lime + aggregates + earth colours).
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 60 x (Bag 25 kg)
Anwendung: Verfugen von Geraden, Schamottefliesen in Kachelöfen, Kaminen, Öfen, Gartengrills. Die empfohlene Fugenstärke beträgt 2-3 mm
thermischer Widerstand:1300 °C
Verpackung:5 kg
Gewicht (kg]:1,0000
Enduit en poudre à base de plâtre, carbonate de calcium, résine et divers adjuvants. La pâte obtenue est de couleur blanche.
• Béton
• Agglos
• Enduit ciment
• Béton cellulaire
DTU 25.41 et 25.42. Norme NF EN 14496. Marquage CE.
• Temps de prise: 2 heures.
• Réaction au feu A1.
Sac de 25 kg sur palette houssée.
Sac de 5 kg.
La surface du mur doit être saine, exempte de poussière, d'huile et ne pas ressuer l'humidité. En été, si les supports sont trop secs, il convient de les humidifier légèrement.
12,5 litres d'eau par sac de 25 kg.
La pose se fait généralement par plots de 10 cm de diamètre environ, espacés de 30 cm horizontalement et de 40 cm verticalement sur la plaque de plâtre ou l'isolant.
De 1,5 à 3 kg/m² en fonction du nombre et de l'épaisseur des plots.
Pulveraktivkohle wird bei der Reinigung von Flüssigkeiten in der chemischen, pharmazeutischen und Lebensmittelindustrie, sowie in der Wasseraufbereitung eingesetzt.
Pulveraktivkohle gibt es in zwei grundsätzlich verschiedenen Typen:
Silcarbon TH90, feinporiges Material
Silcarbon CW20, offenporiges Material, welches häufig zur Entfernung von großen Molekülen (z.B. Farbstoffe in Lebensmitteln) eingesetzt wird
Feinporige Aktivkohle eignet sich besonders zur Entfernung von chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen, Pestiziden, Ölen, Aromaten und Aliphaten. Abhängig von der Konzentration und der Art des Schadstoffes, empfehlen wir, welche Pulveraktivkohle am besten für den jeweiligen Einsatzbereich eingesetzt werden sollte.
* It is applied in 2 cm thickness.
* 1 package of product is 20 kg. 1.6-1.8 kg of product is required for 1 m2 area.
* You can easily reach an application area of 12 m2 by using a 20 kg Multiyap and a 6 mm notched trowel.
* By providing waterproofing, even if the joint fillings between the tiles deteriorate, water does not leak to the lower floor.
* There is no need to make water isolation in bathroom applications.
* Since it is a hydrophobic product, a single product provides both water isolation and a strong tile ceramic application with superior performance.
* It is quite light. It reduces labor and transportation costs.
* It is flexible and the working time is extended.
* It has strong adhesion feature.
Optimale Wärmedämmeigenschaften (Einsparung der Heizenergie bis zu 25% gegenüber Normalmörtel) bei hoher Druckfestigkeit.
Mit Leichtmauermörtel können einschalige Außenwände ohne zusätzliche Dämmschicht wirtschaftlich erstellt werden.
Optimale Wärmedämmeigenschaften (Einsparung der Heizenergie bis zu 25% gegenüber Normalmörtel) bei hoher Druckfestigkeit.
Guter Schallschutz, leicht verarbeitbar, ökologisch und sehr wirtschaftlich durch einschalige Bauweise.
Wird werkfrisch angeliefert – pünktlich!
• LM21
besteht aus hochwertigen Leichtzuschlagstoffen für beste Wärmeleitfähigkeit.
• LM36
für wärmedämmendes Mauerwerk mit besten Verarbeitungseigenschaften.
Flüssige und gasförmige Medien werden mit CarboTech-Pulveraktivkohlen behandelt
Quecksilber und Dioxinabscheidung:
Eindosieren in den Rauchgasweg, Abscheidung im Gewebefilter
Pharmaindustrie, Lebensmitteltechnik:
Eindosieren im Rührbehälter, Abtrennen in Filterpressen
In unseren Anlagen stellen wir Produkte mit präzisen Trenn- und adäquaten Filtrationseigenschaften her, die für jeden Anwendungsfall eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung bieten.
Holzbasierte Pulveraktivkohlen
Steinkohlebasierte Aktivkohlen
Kokosnussbasierte Aktivkohlen
Pharmazeutische Industrie
Chemische Industrie und Lebensmitteltechnik
Refraktäre Stoffe
PDM granül kauçuktan üretildiği için oldukça esnek bir maddedir. Bu nedenler her türlü şarta kolaylıkla ayak uydurabilir. Yazın güneşi ya da kışın soğuğu bu malzemeye hiçbir şekilde zarar veremez. Elastik olmasından dolayı darbelere karşı oldukça fazla dayanıklıdır. Elastik olması malzemenin her şekle girmesine de yardımcı olur. Yapısı gereği çok dayanıklı bir ürün olan EPDM granül, öyle hava şartlarına göre değişiklik göstermez. Her duruma dayanıklı olan bu malzemede esneme, genleşme, büzülme gibi olaylar asla yaşanmaz. Bu sayede yaz sıcağında ve kış soğuğunda kolaylıkla kullanılır. EPDM sonradan renklendirilen bir madde değildir. Boyama yöntemi kullanılmayan bu malzemede renk solması gibi bir durum asla yaşanmaz. Yıllarca renkleri bozulmadan kalabilir. Bu malzemede aklınıza gelebilecek her rengi kullanabilirsiniz. Geniş bir renk seçeneğine sahip olan EPDM granül size istediğiniz rengi seçme şansını verecektir.
Suitable for universally usable refurbishment wax for mending surface damages and small defects in varnished, oiled or glazed wood surfaces indoors, such as doors and furniture, wall panels and wood parts.
Additive der Marke PROFI-CAR helfen Ihnen Motor, Kraftstoff- und Kühlersystem in optimalem Zustand zu halten.
• Kraftstoffsparend
• Verbrennungsoptimierend
• Reinigt und schützt das gesamte Kraftstoffsystem
• Schützt Motor und Getriebe und vermindert den Verschleiß
• Verbessert die Laufeigenschaften
• Schließt kleinere Undichtheiten an Motor und Kühlersystem
• Beugt Kühlerschäden vor
• Verbessert das Umweltverhalten
ADLER PUR-based coatings are modern solvent-based systems that meet the most demanding standards in furniture and interior decoration. The best resistance, both for chemical and mechanical stresses and strains, as well as ease of application
and use are the special features of this type of coating system.
ADLER offers the best choice of PUR-based coatings for the most diverse types of wood as well as the most varied design concepts. Premium quality and efficient use are always ensured in the process. In this manner, you can meet almost any need or requirement for the surface as desired by your customers.
La miel de Bosque no es producidas por las abejas a partir del néctar de flores, sino de un mielato que exudan las encinas, alcornoques y robles.
Su color es mucho más oscuro que el resto de las mieles, su olor es tostado y su sabor es menos dulce que el resto de mieles, con toques salados.
Se envasa artesanalmente en formatos para comercio retail o en formatos de mayor capacidades para la industria.
NdFeB Pulver besonders geeignet für die Herstellung von dünnwandigen Magnetringen mit mehrpoligen magnetisierten. Die Granularität des anisotropen Pulvers könnte entsprechend der Anforderung der Kunden angepasst werden, um die Anforderung der Schimmelverdichtung und -injektion zu erfüllen, sowie alle Arten anderer Produktionsarten.
Material:as required
particle size :as required
package:as required
Grout CR
Composite , castable, anti-washout, controlled shrinkage cement mortar, superfluid consistency, based on high-resistance cements, superpozzolanic fillers (MICROSIL 90), polymeric modifiers, shrinkage resistant agents, specific additives, calcium silicate mineral fibres, selected silica aggregates.
- Based on of thickened silica fume
- three-dimensionally reinforced fibre with mineral and synthetic fibres
- Provides high adherence and adhesion
- dimensionally stable (shrinkage-compensated)
- Provides high stability-physical chemical and resistance to chlorides and sulphates
- suitable for underwater castings: it is anti-washout
- high strength in terms of hydrostatic positive and negative thrust.
Repair and protective coatings of hydraulic structures, marine and underwater structures, and articles in critical situations: harsh chemical-physical, leaching water, marine atmosphere, etc. Filling of formwork for the containment of cast immersed in sea water.
In case of underwater application, the installation operations must be carried out within 8-10 hours of cleaning and "fouling" (accumulation and deposits of organic and inorganic particles on product surfaces) removal. An adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting etc. is always necessary in order to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes).
Pour 2/3 of total mixture water in the cement mixer, gradually add the product and the remaining water, until a homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained.
For sizable filling thicknesses, greater than 60 mm, Ghiaietto 6.10 (inert washed is selected with a particle size of from 6-10 mm) can be added in a percentage ranging from 20% to 40 %, on the basis of practical requirements.
In some particularly demanding cases in terms of the resistance to the "dry-wet" cycle (for example, for the action of the tides) or for chemical attacks particularly strong, it would be advisable to add, in addition to the gravel, even thickened silica fume(MICROSIL 90), and in a variable amount depending on the thickness and construction-related need, to further improve the waterproofing and the mechanical strength of the product. In these cases, please contact our Technical Service. In the case of casts in water, make sure of perfect product hardening before removal of the formwork.
Approximately 20,50 kg/m² of Grout CR for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 2050 kg per cubic metre).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Grout 2 HP
Grout 2 HP is a pourable, fiber-reinforced mortar, used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. The formulation contains very fine high-strength cements, micro-silicas with pozzolanic activity, aggregates in a rational granulometric curve (0.1 ÷ 1.8 mm), and special antisegregative additives. The product is mixed with 11% - 12% of water, requiring vigorous and prolonged mechanical mixing. The special formulation of Grout 2 HP provides the castings with mechanical strength, fracture energy, exceptional durability, and very high chemical-physical resistance.
Grout 2 HP has a workability time of about 60-90 minutes, after which the setting process is triggered, followed by progressive hardening. The plastic and hygrometric shrinkage is extremely low thanks to the presence of Readymesh PM-060 multifilament synthetic fibers, which provide volumetric stability. The performances that make Grout 2 HP unique are:
• very high compressive mechanical strengths (> 90 MPa at 28 days),
• very high mechanical resistance to bending-traction (> 12 MPa after 28 days),
• excellent durability and resistance to chemical attacks.
Grout 2 HP is used for structural restoration operations, anchoring of steel bars and strands, reinforced micropiles, tie rods, and riveting. It is particularly suitable for operations where high mechanical performance is required after short curing (compressive strength at 3 days > 60 MPa) and in operations carried out in severe exposure environments (XC - XS - XF), characterized by aggression from sulphates, chlorides, and nitrates. The material can also be used for repairs in anchoring areas subject to high stresses.
The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., and suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface". Adequate roughening of the surfaces by scarifying, sandblasting, etc. is always necessary to obtain the maximum adhesion values to the substrate. The optimal values are obtained with high pressure hydro-scarification. Bare the irons undergoing disruptive oxidation or deeply oxidized, removing the rust of the exposed irons (by sandblasting or abrasive brushes).
It is strongly recommended, for optimal performance of site operations, to use a vertical axis mixer with planetary movement or a double horizontal helicoid. The powder is mixed with drinking water to the extent of 11% - 12%, referring to the total weight of the mortar (about 2.75 liters per 25 kg bag) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Mixing time: about 4 minutes with a high efficiency mixer.
The anchoring can be filled with a single screw pump, for mortars. Pumping must be carried out at a controlled speed to ensure a low working pressure. In case of restorations, the surface must be protected, after application, by polyethylene sheets or anti-evaporation treatments.
Packaging: 25 kg bag
Unit of Measure: €/kg
Osmocem SCK Fiber-reinforced monocomponent cement mortar, based on hydraulic binders, superprogoline fillers, selected fine aggregates and crystallizing reagent agents, which favor the penetration of the compound into the support. Ideal for low-thickness protective coatings (4 to 10 mm), with high counterweight adhesion. The specific formulation makes this product ideal for coatings in aggressive environments in contact with chlorides and sulphates (sewage systems).
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Protech AC-P
Paint based on acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion, for interiors and exteriors, protective lamellar structure which, in addition to having an aesthetic effect, allows maximum filling, transpiration and very high resistance to mechanical and chemical light. The high coverage and expandability make this product extremely easy to apply. The special acrylic resins that compose it allow to obtain a film characterized by a rapid insensitivity to water even during the drying phase, with a consequent reduction of the "snail effect" in the event of atmospheric events.
Protective and decorative finish painting of walls, facades, concrete products, plasters, masonry, natural stone, porous substrates in general.
For old plasters, pay particular attention to the old pre-existing paints, which must be removed by careful scraping and brushing in order to obtain a healthy and non-friable support; then proceed with the application of Protech Fix AC fixative. When applying on new plasters, it is good practice to insulate the base with acrylic insulator or even better with a white or neutral microemulsion fixative. Avoid windy or cold days when applying. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum carbonation period of at least four weeks.
On large surfaces it is recommended to apply product from the same batch and always proceed wet on wet to avoid signs of recovery. Never operate with temperatures below + 5 ° C. Rainy weather, excessive atmospheric humidity and temperatures below + 8 ° C can greatly compromise drying with the possibility of washing off by rainwater even after several days. .
DILUTION (by volume with drinking water)
1st COAT: 15% a crossed coat or two coats 12-24 hours apart
2nd COAT: 10%.
1st COAT: 10%
2nd COAT: 10%.
SPRAY (through specific equipment)
1st COAT: 15/25%
2nd COAT: 15/25%.
To avoid filming defects, being resin-based products in aqueous emulsion, the application temperature must be between + 5 ° C and + 35 ° C with relative humidity not higher than 60/70%. Do not apply under the direct action of the sun and wind. Do not apply on fresh or particularly alkaline substrates, respect a minimum drying period of the substrate of at least four weeks. It is also advisable for colored, not to use on large surfaces dyed with different production batches as slight differences between batch and batch are technically possible. Please check the color before application as we will not respond to any disputes regarding the shade of the applied product.
From 0.20 to 0.30 liters of Protech AC-P for each square meter of surface to be painted.
Pail 14 l
A composite mortar that is fibre-reinforced, consolidating, dehumidifying, grey in colour and utilised for the structural restoration of crumbling old or monumental masonry. It contains no substances that are potentially harmful to masonry and is composed of NHL 3.5 natural hydraulic lime and hydraulic binders free from soluble salts, along with silicas with pozzolanic activity, selected siliceous-calcareous aggregates, specific shrinkage-reducing agents and resistant alkaline READYMESH fibres that confer high flex-traction whilst increasing the performance of the mortar’s fracture energy. In conjunction with ARMAGLASS STRUCTURA fibreglass mesh, it is ideal for the structural restoration of old walls or crumbling constructions.
Construction of plasters and reinforced slabs in interventions of restoration, construction of plaster and dehumidifying coatings with high performance, bedding of bricks and modular elements.
The surfaces should be clean and free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition of "saturated dry surface".
In the case of structural reinforcing slabs, you will need to proceed with applying an appropriate reinforcing electrowelded mesh, to be fixed with PROFIX, Grout Micro-J, Repar Tix G2 or Syntech IC 55.
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Unisan and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 12-14% of the weight of the bag. After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. Apply the product by plastering trowel and brick trowel, or preferably with plastering machine (type PFT model G4).
Do not apply in case of direct exposure to sunlight or excessive ventilation. Cure the protection and the prolonged moist hardening, of exposed surfaces.
Approximately 15 kg/m² of Unisan for every centimetre of thickness to be implemented (approximately 1500 kg per cubic metre).
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Anchorsana Fix
Premixed based on hydraulic lime, special sulfur aluminate binders, water retainers, shrinkage compensators and reducers of the water/binder ratio, used for fixing and anchoring, in masonry, connectors, inserts, bars, brackets, grouting of the joints, tacking of lesions. It is a product with accelerated setting and hardening, with setting start at 30 ', end setting at 60' and development of mechanical strength already after 90 'of curing. Particularly recommended in the restoration of period and monumental buildings.
The particularly fine constituent materials allow adequate anchoring even in the presence of a small space between hole and connectors. By mixing Anchorsana Fix with different water contents, the product passes from thixotropic consistencies (23% water) to fluid gel consistencies (30% water), allowing any type of anchoring, from overhead to inclinations towards the bass. The product does not contain resins and solvents and can also be used indoors, subject to the usual precautions necessary when handling materials based on alkaline and irritating powders such as lime (use suitable personal protective equipment, such as gloves and protective goggles).
Fixing and anchoring, in masonry bodies, of rigid connectors, jib connectors, inserts, bars with improved adherence, anchors. It develops great adhesion on materials of different nature: metal, fiberglass, basalt.
Blow with compressed air and forced suction of the housing holes. The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, moving, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, etc., suitably saturated with water until reaching the condition of "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer; gradually add Anchorsana Fix and the water still required, continuing to mix, until a homogeneous, lump-free mixture of the desired consistency is obtained. Apply with a trowel or by casting. The mixing water indicatively required is equal to 23% by weight for thixotropic doughs, and to 30% by weight for doughs with a plastic-fluid consistency.
Approximately 1.6 kg of Anchorsana Fix for each cubic decimeter of volume to be filled.
Bag 25 kg - Pallet: 50 x (Bag 25 kg)
Osmocem N gray
Cement compound for the preparation, with the sole addition of water, of a waterproofing osmotic coating that can create horizontal and vertical barriers, also suitable in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust vis-à-vis water permeation in the buildings. Typical uses include waterproofing underground rooms, elevator compartments, garages, basements, tanks, etc.
The action of the active components and of the adhesion promoters of Osmocem N, saturated by the reaction the support capillaries, forming a complex system of gel and stable crystals, which results in the best sealing, effective even in conditions of negative hydrostatic thrust, without hindering the breathability of the walls. Osmocem N is compatible for food substances: is certified as suitable for the containment of foodstuffs and drinking water (Certificate no. 02/2010 Laboratorio Analysis Service di Settimo di Pescantina - VR). Osmocem N waterproof test: • Resistance to positive hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8: water penetration depth with 5 bar pressure = 1-2 mm (*) • Impermeability to negative hydraulic thrust, UNI EN 12390/8 modified (concrete support a / c ratio 0.7): no passage of water with a pressure of 1.5 bar (*) concrete with penetration depth <= 20 mm are considered waterproof.
Waterproofing rigid structures and masonry walls underground, buried or in any case subject to water permeation: lift wells, basements, tanks, pipes, tunnels, garages, bridges, reservoirs, areas containing food, etc. in conditions of positive and negative hydrostatic thrust provided they are sufficiently porous and absorbent and free from any waterproofing and / or water-repellent surface treatment, whether chemical (siloxanes, epoxies, polyurethanes, etc.) or natural (wax-up).
Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., water repellent treatments in general, etc. conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Pour about 2/3 of the mixing water into the mixer, add Osmocem N and the remaining water; continue to mix until a homogeneous lump-free mixture is obtained. The mixing water should be about 19-20% (for interventions in the form of a spatula) or 21-22% (for interventions using a brush with long bristles). After mixing is completed wait a few minutes before applying. If applied by brush, roll out two or more crossed coats.
Although it is not a specific product for finishing thick coats, it can still be used for these purposes. In these cases, it is appropriate to use a fibreglass mesh Armaglass 160.
Approximately 1.7 kg/m² of Osmocem N for each millimetre of thickness to be made.
Packaging: 25 kg bag
UM: €/kg
Anwendung: Verfugen von Geraden, Schamottefliesen in Kachelöfen, Kaminen, Öfen, Gartengrills. Die empfohlene Fugenstärke beträgt 2-3 mm.
thermischer Widerstand:1300 °C
Verpackung:5 kg
Gewicht (kg]:25.0000